I'm Alexis Rodriguez

Junior Frontend Developer and Computer Science student at Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Passionate about creating efficient and engaging user experiences, applying SOLID principles and design patterns to develop clean and scalable code. to develop clean and scalable code. I have experience in agile methodologies such as SCRUM and Kanban, excelling in collaborative teams and dynamic projects.

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yate mate

Yate Mate

Management system for temporary rental of moorings and exchange of registrable goods. Project developed as a team in the subject 'Software Engineering 2'.

weather app

Weather App

Application of the climate of 5 arbitrarily chosen cities for typescript practice.

games application

Games app

Game application developed as a team as a final project for the language seminar (javascript) - faculty of informatics UNLP

Inflation calculator

Inflation Calculator

Project carried out in order to put into practice basic knowledge of backend (NodeJS, ExpressJs and JSON).



Project carried out to learn how to do data fetching from a REST API, event management and DOM



Calculator created in order to put into practice basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


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